Ambassador Arun K. Singh served as Ambassador of India to the United States from 2015 to 2016, having served earlier as Deputy Chief of Mission from October 2008 to April 2013. During his tenures (spanning the Obama presidency and following the signing of the Indo-U.S. Civil Nuclear Agreement), the relationship between India and the U.S. consolidated significantly. Earlier, He served as Ambassador of India to Israel (2005-08) and to France (2013-15). He has extensive experience with the United Nations, including as a Counselor at the Permanent Mission of India to the UN. For ten years, He was involved in handling relations with Pakistan, Iran, and Afghanistan, including in the period following 9/11. He earned his Master’s Degree in Economics from Delhi University, specializing in econometrics, development policy, macroeconomics, and Indian economic history.
Currently, He is a Senior Counselor at The Cohen Group; Visiting Professor at Ashoka University; Distinguished GSI Fellow at Emory University (Atlanta, Georgia, US); Distinguished Non-Resident Senior Fellow at German Marshall Fund of US.